Vitamin A, B and Vitamin E

Update 07.11.2013

  • Vitamin A Acetate save eyesight and help visibility in the dark. Assist in the growth and development of bone lining cells.
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride protect the beriberi and appetite help to change sugar and carbohydrate 
  • Riboflavin prevents the inflammation in mouth and tongue. 
  • Nicotinamide help in the functioning of the nervous system and brain and maintain the health of skin 
  • D-Calcium Panthotenate prevention of disorders of the skin, hormone, nervous and anemia.
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride was affecting on the important reaction in the metabolism of amino acids and procedures the red blood cell. 
  • Cyanocobalamin prevent anemia and help in the functioning of the nervous system
  • D-Alpha Tocopheryl acid succinate protects the body from free radicals and anti-unsaturated fats were oxidized with oxygen, which can cause free radicals.


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